You may select one area of interest or any combination of the following as time and logistics allow:
Consists of a leisurely guided boat ride through 500 acres of private marsh. Viewing opportunities include countless alligators, a plethora of birds, wetland plant communities, and various other wildlife species.
On our 50,000 acres of private lands guests will have access to several bird rookeries, miles of agricultural field roads and levees, and private marshes. All of these areas abound with numerous migratory and residential bird species, along with various small mammals, reptiles, insects, flowering plants, and numerous plant communities. Tours may include but are not limited to boat tours, walking tours, and vehicle tours.
Blinds are strategically placed within our most productive bird rookeries. From these private and secluded blinds photographers will have the opportunity to capture images of several nesting species of birds, including roseate spoonbills, glossy and white ibis, several heron species, and double-crested cormorants just to name a few. Also temporary blinds can be erected depending on the location of your desired species. If your goal is to capture that once in a lifetime photograph this is the tour for you. (note: ½ day tour package minimum)
Any specialized tour not listed above can be developed to fit your interest. This could include but is not limited to sunrise/sunset tours, native coastal prairie tours, beach excursions, chenier vehicle tours, canoe trips, kayak trips, civic group trips, etc. *Customized tour prices may vary according to your request.